Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

5 Ergebnisse.

Scienza dell'allenamento ad alta intensità HIIT. Capire l...

Clay Ingrid S.
Scienza dell'allenamento ad alta intensità HIIT. Capire l'anatomia e la fisiologica per trasformare il tuo corpo

Ottieni il meglio dagli allenamenti ad alta intensità (High Intensity Interval Training) grazie alla comprensione profonda dell’attività di ogni singolo muscolo durante l’allenamento. Sperimenta la fisiologia e la corretta esecuzione di 95 esercizi fondamentali dell’allenamento ad alta intensità, grazie a testi sempre chiari e semplici, ma anche e soprattutto alle immagini che spiegano, in un modo mai ...

CHF 31.00

HIIT (Science of HIIT)

Clay, Ingrid S.
HIIT (Science of HIIT)
Get ready to break a serious sweat with this scientific guide to HIIT training! Discover everything you need to know to achieve the best results from your HIIT workouts by understanding the muscle action needed to perfect each exercise."--

CHF 25.90

HIIT - Die Anatomie verstehen

Clay, Ingrid S. / Wellner-Kempf, Anke
HIIT - Die Anatomie verstehen
Hochintensives Intervalltraining aus dem Blickwinkel der Anatomie HIIT ist die effizienteste Trainingsform zum Abnehmen, um das eigene Fitnessniveau zu steigern und die Herz-Kreislauf-Gesundheit zu stärken. Dieses Buch zeigt die wichtigsten HIIT-Übungen in detaillierten Grafiken und gibt Einblicke in die Muskel- und Gelenkarbeit. Es erklärt auf verständliche Weise die positiven Effekte der Übungen und gibt wissenschaftliche Einsichten, damit...

CHF 27.90

Science of HIIT

Clay, Ingrid S.
Science of HIIT
Get the best results from your HIIT sessions by understanding the muscle action needed to perfect each exercise. Explore the physiology of all the essential HIIT exercises, spins, and sprints, to master each movement with confidence and control. Recent scientific research shows that HIIT is the most efficient form of exercise for raising fitness levels, increasing cardiopulmonary health, and losing weight. Science of HIIT reveals the facts, wi...

CHF 25.90

Science of HIIT

Clay, Ingrid S.
Science of HIIT
Get the best results from your HIIT workouts by understanding the muscle action needed to perfect each exercise.Explore the physiology of more than 90 essential HIIT exercises, to master each movement with confidence and control.Recent scientific research shows that HIIT is the most efficient form of exercise for raising fitness levels, increasing cardio-respiratory health, and losing weight.Science of HIIT reveals the facts, with annotated ar...

CHF 30.90